I don’t have a school room, I have a tiny little dining room. One day soon, I am going to miss this. What you might see: If you look closely, you’ll see a high chair with Cheerios on it. The only way I can keep a baby happy while trying to help with lessons. Just…
Category: Homeschooling
The Cost of Freedom
Homeschooling freedom looks like s.a.c.r.i.f.i.c.e. It means giving up what you thought you’d be doing with your time because nobody else is responsible for this person, except you. It means pushing through the difficulties that convince you: “I can’t do this”. It tests your patience, perseverance, and sanity. But it also means you’re f.r.e.e. Free…
First, Surrender Control
The best medicine for people with control issues is: Children. Lots of them. The more you have ➡️ the less control you have ➡️ the more you’re forced to face your shortcomings and surrender. Sounds painful? Sometimes. But it’s also sanctifying, a holy calling, and a privilege to be sculpted and refined through motherhood. Some…
8 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Handwriting Skills
Handwriting is a foundational skill your child will use for the rest of their life. Their first few years of writing are crucial to developing good handwriting. Sloppy writing will quickly become habitual if left unchecked. Unteaching sloppy writing habits can prove to be more difficult than teaching correct writing in the first place. You…